Thursday, October 15, 2009

Is it winter yet? Oatmeal is the breakfast of Champions!

I usually think of oatmeal for breakfast when I wake up to the cold, 
wet and dark days of fall.
It is a hearty meal that can be dressed up in many ways, eaten sweet or savory with a pinch of salt and pepper.  Yes, you read correctly - there are those who prefer their oats with chicken broth instead of milk.  In fact oats were the main ingredient in my mother-in-laws turkey stuffing recipe and not a spoonful was leftover!
The basic way to cook oatmeal is a ratio of 1:2 (oats to liquid).  Once the oats are simmering you can add more liquid for a thinner porridge or let them absorb all the water and become thicker.
I like to add a variety of spices to our oats -and yes, we eat them sweet.  Consider any combination of the following:
Dehydrated fruit adds flavour and nutrition to breakfast.  Try raisins, apricots, dates or prunes.
Fresh fruit, the ideal choice, makes for an easy way to sweeten without adding maple syrup. 
Grate or cube an apple and mix it in, or slice up a banana instead.
Nuts and seeds are a tasty addition and provide essential fatty acids, protein, calcium and other vitamins and minerals.
I like to sprinkle Grains Plus on my oats as it already has a mix of 6 organic seeds ground to bite size.
Enjoy your hearty breakfast!
Eat Well
Be Well