Wednesday, December 10, 2008


We all breath.  
most of us do it unconsciously and although that works well enough,  
there is so much more to breathing!
With your breath you can create heat,
increase your energy and as a bonus
you burn calories as well! 
You can use your breath to relax and calm your mind and body,

Try it right now.
Sit upright.
Place one hand on your heart and the other on your belly.
Now take a slow and steady deep breath in through your nose.
Notice your hands rising.
Can you make one hand rise and then the other?
Exhale through your nose and reverse the inhale pattern.
If you filled your belly before your chest then exhale from your chest first.
Practice slowing down the inhale and exhale then speeding it up.
What differences do you feel?
To relax exhale longer than you inhale.
Next try breathing through your belly only.
Use your abdominal muscles to push the breath out,
let the inhale come naturally.
Notice the increase in energy.


It is all around us, inside us and in everything we take in.
Water is an essential nutrient - we can not live without it.
Want a fresh start to your morning?
Drink a glass of water (not chilled) upon rising.
This could be the beginning of a great habit!
Breath deeply!
Drink a glass of delicious water!
Want to up it a notch? Squeeze a touch of lemon in your glass.
Love the water.
Love the day!
Be Well!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Healthy Habits for a New Year

Winter is a time of going inward and also a time of new beginnings.
Think new years resolutions! 
And spring, coming up next, is a time of new beginnings.
A perfect time (and lots of it) to plan and incorporate healthy habits: 
Create new ones, 
Renew old ones,
Reinforce current ones.

So I started a list of feel good, good for you habits.

sit when you eat
chew your food well 27 times (yes, that's each bite)
add lemon to your water
eat one raw meal a day 
sleep on an empty stomach
go to bed before 10
stretch upon rising
be in nature as much as possible (garden, walk in the park)
choose your food consciously (no guilt)
put your fork down between bites
drink water daily
pause - before eating
take a list when shopping
only food shop on a full stomach
shop the outside aisles only/mostly
laugh at least three times a day (at least!)
hug to say hello/goodbye