Thursday, May 21, 2009

Spring is for sprouting!

Sprouting is super easy and super nutritious!!
You can sprout any seed and most beans and grains.   Sprouts are bursting with protein, vitamins and nutrients.  A powerhouse food that can be eaten on it's own or added to any meal.   
You can sprout a variety of seeds in one jar.  Be sure to sprout beans or legumes in a separate jar as they are larger and take longer to sprout.  I use a 1 L wide mouth mason jar.  You can purchase plastic lids of three sizes (for different size sprouts) at a health food store.  If not available a cheese cloth fitted with an elastic band over the mouth of the jar or a food grade screen will do just as well.
Select the seeds or beans to sprout and enough to cover the bottom of the jar.  Sprouts grow and take up lots of space so less is more!!  Rinse the seeds well and soak for 24 hours on the counter away from sunlight (you can cover them with a towel).  Rinse and drain the sprouts twice a day - this process only takes 20 seconds a day!  Once they have sprouted, they can be left uncovered and exposed to light, keep rinsing at least 2 times a day.  They are usually ready after a couple of days uncovered, when you see a tail 2-3 times the length of the seed, anywhere from 1 to 4 days.  
Now they are ready to eat.
Store covered in the refrigerator.

Add your sprouts to salads, sandwiches or eat them on their own.
I like to make a wrap with mine ...
I usually have leftovers in the fridge like rice, quinoa, chicken almost anything will do.
Heat it up and dice if necessary.
Take a large lettuce leaf (you can use a traditional tortilla if you want something more filling)
and place some rice (in my case)  and add some sprouts.
I usually add some garlic chili flax oil as a condiment along with some Grains plus.
Now roll, wrap and eat!
Kids like to build their own wraps and even nibble on the sprouts!!
Eat Well
Be Well

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