Monday, January 25, 2010

Best Chicken Ever

I made a chicken that was finger licking good!
The best part of it are the ingredients - there are three.
That's right three ingredients.
In fact the best chicken recipes I know are simple.
I will share them with you so you can rotate the chicken
dinner dishes and they will all taste fantastic and yet different from one
Today's recipe has 3 ingredients: lemon, salt and pepper.
Take a great chicken, preferably a farm raised free roaming chicken.
You can roast this chicken whole or use chicken pieces.
Either way set the chicken in a dish and use a generous amount of salt to shake on the skin.
Yes skin.
Leave the skin on, it will enhance the flavour and seal in the juices.
You don't need to eat the skin but try resisting. Just one bite.
Sprinkle on some black pepper and then squeeze the juice of a lemon on the chicken. Use enough lemons to cover all pieces or the entire chicken (one to two lemons).
When I use a whole chicken or even one cut up in pieces, I will use a shaker to just cover the skin with a thin coat of salt, then shake less pepper and finish with the lemon.
Roast the chicken in the oven until done. If not using convection cover the chicken then uncover the darken for the last 10 minutes. A whole chicken usually takes about 45 minutes to bake. I begin by roasting (450) for 15 minutes then reducing the oven to bake (375) for the last 20 to 30 minutes. If using a roasting pan you can add whole onions and garlic to the pan, they taste so sweet when roasted.
Eat Well
Be Well

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